Psychological Makeover
What Is Psychological Makeover?
Mental Revision is a scientifically-based, targeted, and effective intervention designed to:
Identify stressors harmful to our health.
Manage those stressors.
Strengthen positive experiences.
Change behaviors that negatively affect our health.
Adopt habits that promote health.
Strengthen the immune system.
Ultimately slow down the aging process.
Today, we have strong scientific evidence that:
Our immune system depends greatly on the positive emotions we experience.
Weight loss is impossible without managing the emotional burden we carry.
Ineffective management of stress and toxic emotions contributes to worsening the prognosis of diseases, such as metabolic disorders and cancer.
Managing our psychological profile plays a decisive role in slowing down the aging process.
The traditional view of psychotherapy does not align with the pace and complexity of modern life.
We need brief, targeted interventions that integrate seamlessly into our daily routines.
Program Structure
Mental Revision begins with an assessment and is completed in six one-hour sessions, conducted in-person or online.
Steps of Mental Revision - Psychological Makeover
Identifying/Excluding Toxic Emotions & Antidotes to Toxic Emotions:Emotional vampires in our lives.
Physical and Emotional Weight: Why we can’t separate one from the other.
Regaining Life Control:Adopting positive health behaviors.Everyday Stress Triggers and… Antioxidant Actions.Techniques for Psychosomatic Homeostasis and Cardiovascular Function.
Mental Empowerment and Immune System Strengthening.
Life Goals:Revisiting them, starting something new, and slowing down aging.
Psychological Makeover, Wellness, and Longevity Groups
The groups meet every two weeks in two-hour sessions.
Me, the Human: Women before, during, and after menopause.
I’m Going to Be a Mom. Period, question mark, and exclamation mark together.
I’m Going to Be a Dad. Period, question mark, and exclamation mark together.Reversing Age.