Open events
Open events with a scientific and artistic character addressing current social issues.


"Modern Family: Issues and Challenges"
Saturday, 20/4/24,Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) Ceremony Hall
Guided by the connection between scientific knowledge, experiential experience, and contemporary social issues, the event "The Family of Today: Issues and Challenges" took place.
The guest of honor was the Minister of Social Cohesion and Family, Ms. Sofia Zacharaki.
"Health and Culture: Healing in Art - The Art of Healing"
Friday, 26/05/24, Olympion Theatre
Based on the principle that Holistic Health is promoted only when Scientific Progress in Medicine understands the Experience of Illness, and when it collaborates with Cultural Creativity to alleviate it, the Center for the Promotion of Culture and Mental Health organized the event "Health and Culture: The Art of Healing - Healing in Art" on Friday, 26/05/23, at the Olympion Theatre.

"Power of the Soul, Nature, and Health"
Thursday, 16/02/22, Telloglio Foundation of Arts, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
A celebration of the Power of the Soul, Childlike Innocence, and Natural Beauty.
Award to Ioanna Palaiospyrou
Award to Ioannis Tsigkalidis, Chrysanthi Boutari, Students of Mandoulides Schools
Award to Students of the Academy of Nature 2021-2022